
Alzheimer's Dementia Research Center

Alzheimer's Dementia Research Center

    Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) at National Cheng Kung University Hospital (NCKUH) inaugurated on 16 February 2011 officially. In addition to her primary mission, including memory clinics and clinic for dementia care, ADRC at NCKUH holds monthly case conferences, professional seminars, and family meetings. Another main responsibility of this center is community service which covers public education and home visits regularly and dementia prevention programs. Clinical based services focusing on holistic needs of patients and their families had been emphasized. An inter-disciplinary team composing faculty from varieties of departments at NCKUH and departments of NCKU. The specialties include neurology, psychiatry, clinical psychology, nursing, nuclear medicine, social worker, nutrition, architectures, engineering and health education. This team provides clinical dementia care and conducts prospective and innovative clinical research and medical education.
    Over the past 11 years, ADRC at NCKUH integrates resources from public and private sectors, in particular Zeelandia Dementia Association for the later, to promote the literacy of dementia for citizen and to produce and connect social resources to people living with dementia and their family members. Professor Ming-Chyi Pai, the founder and current head of ADRC, proposed a slogan of 3M2H in 2005 to teach people how to keep away from dementia. The 3E2Hs are mental Exercise, Entertainment, aerobic Exercise, Higher education and High antioxidant. In addition to clinical service, the members of ADRC at NCKUH also reach out to 37 areas of Tainan City to raise public awareness of dementia and to provide care skills and support for family caregivers.
    With her core values of altruism, innovation, and sustainability, ADRC at NCKUH is one of best, if not the best, centers for dementia care in Taiwan.

Alzheimer's Dementia Research Center

